
Modern life seems almost designed to generate near-constant anxiety – and to deny us the chance for a peaceful outlook. But lasting calm can’t be summoned with candles or sunsets (as pleasant as these can be), but rather by organising our muddled thoughts. We have developed a range of classes and tools to help us to find calm on a regular basis and to grow into the serene people we deserve to be.

Tools for Summoning Calm

From understanding the causes of our most common anxieties to discovering sources of serenity in the everyday, we offer a range of tools for soothing our racing, fractious minds.



Art Against Despair

An inspiring selection of images offering us hope and comfort, reminding us that we are not alone in our sorrow. One of the most unexpectedly useful things we…
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A Simpler Life

A guide to greater serenity, ease and clarity. Exploring ideas around minimalism, simplicity and how to live comfortably with less. The modern world can be a complicated, frenzied…
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A guide to developing the art of finding serenity by understanding the sources of our anxiety and frustrations. Nowadays almost all of us wish we could be calmer;…
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Far more than we tend to realise, we’re all – in private – deeply anxious. There is so much that worries us across our days and nights: whether…
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Calm in the app


You need some quiet days


How evolution has made us anxious


Why we should confess our failures

Therapeutic Services

Online Pshychotherapy

Our online psychotherapy offers you a chance to spend concentrated time on yourself with a highly skilled practitioner who can help you unpack your story, get to the root of issues and give you new clarity on your past and your present.

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How to Live in a Hut

There’s a dread that we normally keep at the far edges of our minds but which occasionally – particularly at…
The Pursuit of Calm


The Pursuit of Calm

Nowadays, almost all of us wish we could be calmer. It’s one of the distinctive longings of the modern age.…